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Macedonia's Energy Strategy

Building the Case for the Country's Low-carbon Strategy

Project motivation

European Union carried out a number of regulatory actions on renewable energy sources, which have been prioritised as an environmentally sustainable and cost-effective source energy supply. The promotion of a liberalised energy market and the ratification of the COP21 Paris and COP22 Marrakech  laid the foundations for a common European policy that identifies the actions to be taken to build an energy system in line with environmental protection and consistent with sustainable development.

The Climate and Energy Framework 2030 sets three main objectives to be achieved by 2030:

a reduction of at least 40% of greenhouse gas emissions (compared to 1990 levels);

a share of at least 27% renewable energy;

an improvement of at least 27% of energy efficiency.




Research and innovation are two central themes in the "Europe 2020 Strategy" proposed by the Commission, approved by the European Council in June 2010 and currently in force.

In the three priorities of Europe 2020 are the following: "smart growth, sustainable growth and inclusive growth".

As a response to the European Energy Efficiency objective, we have been questioning how to implement it in the field of electricity transmission and distribution. The identified solution is the Shared Grid.

The envisioned concept has 6 key modules and represents the energy sector's development frontier.

Featured insight

Climate change is frequently referred to as one of the defining challenges of the twenty-first century. We concur. In broad terms, the climate challenge is relatively straightforward. However,  clean energy transition is not easy. The political economy of energy transitions is of interest across both the developed and developing worlds. As emphasized, the mitigation challenge cannot be addressed by developed countries alone.

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