HEP is thinking about the Plomin site

Croatian state owned utility HEP still has plans regarding thermal power plant Plomin. After the Plomin C project has been put on an indefinite hold, HEP now plans to revitalize the 110 MW Plomin 1 unit. Plomin 1 was supposed to stop its operation by 1st of January 2018, but in February 2019, HEP obtained a licence from the Croatian Ministry of environment and energy prolonging the unit’s operation. The licence demands a revitalization of the Unit 1 so it can comply with the latest environmental standards.
Now comes the hard part for HEP. In order to modernize the unit, instalment of three key elements is necessary: (1) DeNOx plant, (2) desulphurization unit and (3) electrostatic precipitator. Such a modernization is highly capital intensive. In fact, high capital costs of modernization make it questionable whether the investment is feasible.
Source: HEP, Energetika