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The County of Istria and EPLL signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation

The County of Istria and ENERGY PLATFORM LIVING LAB - Association for Open Innovation in Energy signed today, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, in Zagreb, a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation with the aim of developing several projects in the area of ​​carbon-free energy production, energy transmission and supporting infrastructure e-mobility, and it was signed by Istrian prefect Boris Miletić and the vice dean for business and the president of the Board of Directors, prof. Ph.D. Mario Vražić.

EPLL is a platform that combines academic knowledge and excellence, as well as innovation and the possibility of applying ideas for the development of strategic areas of electrification, energy efficiency, electric mobility, flexibility and renewable energy sources. The goal of the County of Istria is to initiate specific development processes in order to encourage sustainable development in strategic areas for which EPLL has expertise. The basic project of the Program, as defined by the Memorandum, is the construction of photovoltaic solar panels at several locations in the Istrian County, with a total installed power of approx. 400 MW, which will be followed by the implementation of other projects and activities:

- the establishment of an energy community in the territory of Istria County, which affects the energy needs of all levels of public administration;

- promotion of electric mobility through self-production of renewable energy;

- construction of infrastructure;

- construction of battery systems for energy storage and charging stations for electric vehicles at one or more locations to be determined later;

- determination of purpose for the produced energy, between commercial, public users and sustainable mobility.

The implementation of the above will contribute to the achievement of the climate goals of the Republic of Croatia, in terms of reduced greenhouse gas emissions, established in the Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2030 with a view to the year 2050 and the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for the Republic of Croatia for the period from 2021 to 2030, as well as the relevant acts of the European Union, especially the Renewable Energy Directive. According to the mentioned documents, the specific goals refer to:

1. decarbonization of the energy sector;

2. achievement of the National goal of using energy from renewable energy sources in connection with the share of energy use from renewable energy sources in the total final energy consumption in the Republic of Croatia in 2030;

3. wider sustainable use of own natural energy resources;

4. long-term reduction of dependence on energy imports;

5. efficient use of energy and reduction of the impact of the use of fossil fuels on the environment;

6. creation of new jobs and development of entrepreneurship in energy and other activities, which are initiated with the development of energy projects and their results in the local community;

7. encouraging the development of new and innovative technologies and contribution to the local community;

8. diversification of energy production and increase in security of supply;

9. inclusion of citizens and entrepreneurs and their active participation in the energy transition.

It should also be mentioned that the Contracting Parties will explore the possibilities of financing projects from grants from the Mechanism for Recovery and Resilience of the European Union, through investments and reforms that are included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the development of electric power infrastructure and the increase of energy production from renewable sources, in accordance with the relevant regulations, in order to ensure the optimal distribution of costs and risks between the private and public sectors. EPLL will work out possible models of development and financing of the Program and individual projects within the Program and present them to the County of Istria.



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